Monday, April 25, 2011

The "Get Over It!" Box

This box is located in Midtown, Memphis, Tennessee.
Overton Park is home of a municipal golf course, the Memphis Zoo, the Memphis College of Art, an Art Museum, a veteran's memorial, and the Levitt Shell.

Drive into Overton Park, headed towards the Abe Goodman Golf Clubhouse.

1. Turn on the street next to the clubhouse. The clubhouse should be on your left, and the Art Museum and Levitt Shell should be behind you after you make this turn.

2. Park.

3. Walk ahead, and the road continues but is blocked off to cars. As you walk, you will go over a bridge. There will be golf greens on your left and right.

4. Continue on the road past the golf greens. The road will split. Take the left fork.

5. Get on the walking path that is alongside the road. You will see the Goodman bench and water fountain on the left. Memphis has some of the best municipal water in the world, so have a sip if you're thirsty after your little walk. Seriously, it's good water. We used to live in Holland, where they are known for their municipal water, and Memphis' water is just as good. We're right on top of a spring. Good stuff.

6. Continue further. You will see a tree on your left with an odd wooden vine growing from its base to its branches. See it in this picture? Its base is the second to the left in this picture. If you don't see it, don't worry. The road also does something at the point where your box is located...
7. A few trees down from this, you will see on your right, that the road joins with another road. If you were coming from the opposite direction, it would be a fork... But you're not coming from the opposite direction--you're coming from this direction, so I don't know what it's called... It is the opposite of a fork. My husband wants me to call it an intersection, but I think that's misleading for some reason. Anyway, roads join almost adjacent to where you need to be.

8. When you get to this reverse-fork thingy (on your right), walk just a little bit further and turn around. Okay? That was the most confusing part of this journey. Everything from here should be pretty easy.

9. Now you have turned around. Walking past the reverse-fork and turning around is very important! The road is now on your left and you are on a walking path (backtracking) and just ahead on your left, the reverse-fork in the road is now a totally legit fork.

10. Backtrack until you see a tree on your left with a sign propped up against it that indicates it is a "Black Oak" -- tilt the sign toward you and find the box (well, really, it's just a zip-lock baggy) hidden at the base of the tree. See the sign below. This tree should be pretty near the fork in the road. When you're backtracking, it's a little past the fork.

The Kwik Box

This box is located in Midtown, Memphis, Tennessee.

This box is located between two great things in Memphis: The Flashback Vintage Store and the Kwik Shop Grill. If you have a couple-hour layover at the Memphis airport, it would be possible to get a cab to this location and return to the airport for your flight.

The Flashback is a vintage store known for their quirky window displays. The Kwik Shop Grill is the best place to get a burger (or gyro or wings) in Memphis, despite its humble atmosphere--what appears to be a simple convenience store is actually an incredible grill!

The box is between these two businesses.

1. Facing The Kwik Shop from East Parkway, Flashback would be behind it.
2. Between the Kwik Shop and Flashback, there is a gravel parking lot that fits 2-3 cars.
3. If you park in this parking lot (turning into the lot from Central Avenue), Kwik Shop is on your right and Flashback is immediately on your left. There are a few bushes on your left.
4. The box is hidden in the bushes that will be on your left if you are parked in the gravel area behind the Kwik Shop Grill. See the picture below.
5. See that little gap in the monkey grass? If you reach your hand in there and to the left, you'll find our letterbox in a gladware plastic box. Please hide it well when you replace it! In this picture, you can almost see the Flashback's window display in the background.

While you are here, get a bite to eat from the Kwik Shop. You won't regret it. Also check out Flashback's window display and if they're open, you might take a walk around inside.

Kwik Shop address:
711 East Parkway S.
Memphis, TN 38104

Flashback address:
2304 Central Avenue
Memphis, TN 38104

*The Kwik Shop is on the corner of East Parkway and Central Avenue. You can park in the Kwik Shop's parking lot and walk behind the Kwik Shop to find the gravel parking area where this letterbox is hidden.

Memphis Metal

This box is located in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Memphis Metal letterbox is located near Memphis' fantastic Metal Museum. The letterbox is not on the Metal Museum grounds, but in a tree in the park (Chickasaw Heritage Park) across the street from the Museum.

To get to the Museum, take Exit 12c from I-55. Here is the address: 374 Metal Museum Drive, Memphis, TN 38106-1514. The museum is located at an old US Army Reserve Building. Click here for the museum's website.

Across from the museum, there is the Chickasaw Heritage Park.

Driving down the road between the museum and the park, you will see light poles and fire hydrants. There is a tree with a pretty big hole in it between 4th & 5th light pole, near a fire hydrant and two picnic tables. The two picnic tables are close to each other. All of this will be on your left, and the US Army Reserve Building will be on your right. A gorgeous and unique view of the Mississippi River will be in front of you--make sure to check it out while you're in this area.

The box is hidden in the tree near the two picnic tables (pictured here). Please hide it well, as this is a heavily trafficked area.